Sarah Laaroussi
Cadeaux à la mère, 2019
Cadeaux à la mère / Gifts to the mother, nylon pasta, Argenteuil, curated by Eddie Bouakkaz, exhibition Super_position 2019 Credits Véronique Huygues and Eddie Bouakkaz.
I threaded pasta for a fantasy land to exist.
Sarah goes back in history to find the forms and experiences that have shaped us as humans. She is interested in artisanal practices and collective intelligence which questions consumption habits and forms of production.
She has fun through experiences of various sizes and types (ranging from large groups, to craftsmen, from business to class, from the city to rurality ...) and draws, from each encounter, resources to adjust and refine her interest in self-production, autonomy, and the empowerment of populations by doing so.
La maison des autres 2019, curatorial project. 'Other people's house' is a curatorial project. I invited some pretty things for people to watch and cook a local plant collection, to build the other people's house. Credits: Sarah Laaroussi with the visible works of Léo Deweir (Lamp), Collective (inflatable bubble), Ongoing performance by Tilhenn Klapper and Anaïs Barras.
Les nuits du monde / Nights of the world, participatory performance, Dusseldorf, Sheesh Collective curator, exhibition “Close to driving ban”, 2020 Credits: Die Digitale
In my obese goddess costume, I distributed suns as the history of the world scrolled through my belly.
Believe in small things.
Find the beauty in being human.
Mauvaise graine / Bad seed, performance, Paris, curated by Jonàs Fadrique, exhibition “Replace in Today tomorrow”, 2019 Credits: Jonàs Fadrique
I picked up the small garbage from the street and planted small seeds in small piles of soil instead for them to make small flowers.
Le syndrome de la page blanche 2 /The syndrome of the blank page 2, participatory system, Argenteuil, curated by Eddie Bouakkaz, exhibition “Super_position”, 2019 Credits Véronique Huygues and Eddie Bouakkaz
I painted a white rectangle to make a joke about art in the high school in which the work was installed (the students did not resist, they had touch it/scratch it and creating two couples)
Her work is situated in small things which connect and bring people together: Faire la bise so that the group can be recognized as something. Turn on the light with the potato electricity. Cook a soup for the tears of our bodies, place everything so that people can cook an egg (French expression aller se faire cuire un oeuf), organize a black meal on red carpet. Plant a garden in the house, and hang swings so that the bodies can dance.
IG : @srh_laaroussi