Nora Maite Nieves
Eclipse, 2020, Acrylic, Flashe, pigment, resin, gold-leaf, coarse pumice, modeling, and fiber paste on panel. 20.5in x 24.5in x 3in deep
Nora Maité Nieves is an artist interested in the expanded dialogue of painting. Her paintings, drawings and sculptures explore how we define space through domestic ownership. Nieves makes reference to ornamental details from architecture, especially to floor and wall surfaces and tiles. She is drawn to the mystic values of objects such as amulets, heirlooms, and jewelry.
The Artist was invited by the curator Natalia Viera Salgado, to share a selection of her most representative works.
Looking at my Neighbor’s Yard, 2019 Acrylic, resin, pigment, gold-leaf, enamel, coarse pumice, modeling and fiber paste on canvas on wood stretch bars. 48.5 x 70.5in
Ojos Brujos 2019 Acrylic, resin, pigmen, coarse pumice, modeling and fiber paste on wood panel 24.5in x 12.5in
Space Rocks in the Living Room, 2020 Color pencil on paper. 15.5in x 19.5in
The Nights are Longer, 2020 Color pencil on paper. 18.5in x 24in
Vida Juntos / Life together April, 2020 19.75in x 26.5in Color pencil on paper.
Nieves (b. 1980 San Juan, Puerto Rico) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She received her MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2010, and her BFA from La Escuela de Artes Plásticas, in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2004. Recent solo exhibitions include: Full Room in the Sun Room at Fresh Window Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, 2019, Paisaje Lunar at Flyweight Projects, Brooklyn, NY, 2019, and Tangible, Hidrante Gallery, San Juan, PR, 2018. Some of her recent group exhibitions include: Rubus Armeniacus (Himalayan Blackberry), curated by Jessica Kwok, Jessica’s Apartment Gallery, New York, NY, 2019.
IG: @noramaite